Ecological and Social Transition Commission

The Ecological and Social Transition Commisson was created in 2023, dur to environmental
and societal issues being more and more crucial for all the activities of Engineering Schools.

Moreover, they are given a central place in the CTI’s latest accreditation guidelines.
  • Chaired by Carole Deumié, dean of Centrale Méditerranée
  • Vice-chaired by Claire Rossi, dean of the UTC 
  • Vice-chaired by Lionel Torrès, dean of Polytech Montpellier
It supports Engineering Schools in their transition to sustainable practices.


The role of the Social Transition Commission

Ecological and social transition is transforming schools across their whole activities : training, research, internal operations and institutional action. The mission of this commission is mainly to train and support schools in this transition.


The priority topics of the Social Transition Commission

The Ecological and Social Commission has set the following priorities :
  • guiding schools in the implementation of sustainable development and social responsibility master plans;
  • reflecting on the issue of SD labelling;
  • accompanying the transformation of training courses;
  • reflecting on specific skills related to the ecological transition;
  • promoting Engineering schools’ contribution to the development of a green industry;
  • reflecting on the sustainable development and social responsibility meta-skills guide book.