Results on the Franco-Chinese forum for higher education - June 30, 2016

The Franco-Chinese forum on higher education took place June 30, 2016 at the University Paris Descartes, organized with the assistance of the CPU, CDEFI, University Paris Descartes, the China Scholarchip Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the presence of Madame Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minsiter of national education, higher education and research and Ms Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China.
This Franco-Chinese forum on higher education is part of the third session of the Franco-Chinese high-level dialogue on human exchanges, established in 2014.
Two round tables were held: the first one was dedicated to the innovation and governance, with the presentation of merging of French higher education institutions and the presentation of the Chinese university system, while a second panel discussion was devoted to student mobility between France and China (double degree, joint tutoring of doctorate students, training of engineers and Franco-Chinese Institutes).

During the Forum, two cooperation agreements have been signed between Chimie ParisTech with Beijing University of Chemical technology on engineering education and an agreement between network Technology Universities - the INSA Group and China Scholarship Council concerning student’s reception.
These two agreements strengthen the cooperation between France and China including Engineers Teaching.  They are part of the dynamic and growing panorama of inter-universities agreements between the two countries, with over 300 recorded agreements. There is a constant development of joints training, student mobility and the mobility of French and Chinese researchers associated on joint research projects.

French engineering schools have a real recognition of their training by China. Today, there are 7 Franco-Chinese Institutes (IFC), which 6 are with French engineering schools. Furthermore, CTI and HCERES just launched a quality label of the Franco-Chinese Institute on June 29, 2016.
A video produced by the China Scholarship Council remarkably displays cooperations between French and Chinese higher education and research institutions in charge of engineering training in both countries : 

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