CDEFI's corporate newsletter

As part of our communication strategy, CDEFI launched a newsletter in February 2017.
Find below the previous editions of this newsletter in French.
Newsletter's archives
- Newsletter #48 - January 2025:
Main themes: The January newsletter opens with our President's wishes for the New Year. There are plenty of news at the start of 2025: the launch of the Ingénieuses 2025 operation, CDEFI's reaction to the CNRS's announcement that it would be setting up "key labs", an update on the international BRAFITEC programme, the launch by CDEFI of three new working groups on the ecological transition, and the publication of the list of schools authorised to award the IDPE title. This month's key figure concerns the number of projects by engineering students and graduates rewarded at the Pépite 2024 awards. The agenda for February includes two CDEFI events, the thematic information meetings of the Europe and International and Education, Research and Innovation commissions; and two partner events, Think Education & Research 2025 and Elles bougent Forum Réseaux et carrières au féminin.
- Newsletter #47 - December 2024:
Main themes: In December newsletter, CDEFI announces the appointment of Sabine Brun-Rageul as vice-chair of the Education, Research and Innovation Commission. The key figure highlights the winners of the Irène Joliot Curie 2024 Prize who have graduated from engineering schools. In other news, CDEFI has signed an opinion piece on the sustainability of apprenticeships and their funding, announced the launch of the Gender Scan 2024 survey to promote equality in science, technology and industry, announced the Think Education & Research 2025 event with a speech by Emmanuel Duflos on 6 February, and the launch of the 2025 edition of the INRS Health at Work Challenge. The agenda also includes the monthly meetings of CDEFI, the thematic information meeting of the Europe and International Commission, and the 10th national conference on internships and other professionalisation initiatives.
- Newsletter #46 - November 2024:
Main themes: In November newsletter, CDEFI highlights the publication of the Cpas1option practical guide and the announcement of the 2025 seminar on the approach. The key figure looks back at the Open Science Prize awarded to engineering graduates. It also covers two position papers on FP10 and European alliances submitted by CDEFI, an update on National Doctoral Day, and the renewal of the Bienvenue en France label for six schools. A conference from Your Future exhibition is rebroadcast, and a number of events are announced: Rencontres Ingénieuses, Seminar for new directors and the monthly meetings.
- Newsletter #45 - October 2024:
Main themes: In October newsletter, CDEFI highlights its back-to-school press conference, which presents its priorities for 2024-2025. The key figure highlights the winners of the Prix Jeunes Talents France L'Oréal-UNESCO 2024. In other news, a joint CDEFI-CGE-France Universités press release deals with apprenticeships in higher education. In addition, CDEFI announces two partner operations, “Digital and Computer Science Week 2024” and the programme “1 scientist, 1 class: chiche!”. A video interview with Philippe Dépincé for Your Future exhibition presents the wide range of studies offered by engineering schools. Finally, the newsletter gives an update on November's events, including the “Which and how many engineers for tomorrow? seminar organised by CDEFI in Brussels and a thematic information meeting on the promotion of student involvement.
Link to newsletter #45 (FR)
- Newsletter #44 - September 2024:
Main themes: In September newsletter, CDEFI congratulates Michel Barnier on his appointment as Prime Minister and reiterates the importance of an ambitious policy for Higher education and research. The key figure highlights the mobilisation of engineering schools for Fête de la science 2024. In addition, Alessia Lo Porto-Lefébure has been appointed vice-president of the Europe and International Commission. The Conference also announced the launch of the DEFI 2024 data collection campaign, and the publication by the Ministry of a vade mecum to promote sport and health in higher education establishments. October's key events include the Your Future trade fair at the Parc des Princes, Fête de la science and DeepTech voit BIG 2024.
- Newsletter #43 - July 2024:
Main themes: In July newsletter, CDEFI congratulates the 26 Engineering students who qualified for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A key figure from the Ministry of Higher Education highlighted the Engineering Schools’ student population. In addition, Armel de la Bourdonnaye was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Europe and International commission. CDEFI also published a note on research in Engineering and stressed the importance of freedom of movement in a common press release with France Universités and European conferences. Finally, the Conference’s monthly meetings will resume in September.
Link to newsletter #43 (FR)
- Newsletter #42 - June 2024:
Main themes: June's newsletter opens on this month's political events, with CDEFI encouraging the French higher education community to vote in the upcoming legislative elections. Other news include the release of CDEFI's 2024 Overview of French Schools of Engineering, the publication of a manifest following the European elections, as well as a review on the BRAFITEC Forum that tok place in Brazil mid-June. In this month's calendar can be found CDEFI's Board strategical seminar and the 2nd edition of a colloqium on Ecological and social transition in Higher Education.
- Newsletter #41 - May 2024:
Main themes: In May newsletter, CDEFI announced the ten winners of the 14th Ingénieuses awards ceremony. This month's key figures comes form Campus France last report and focuses on student international mobility. CDEFI also addressed the decrease of public funding to support apprenticeship, asking the Government to prioritise the funding of quality-controlled courses, and stressed the need for better regulation of profit-making private higher education. In addition, the annual DEFI data collection campaign for French engineering schools has been launched. June's agenda includes CDEFI's annual symposium, the 9th national day of the Higher Education equality and diversity missions, and the 3rd meeting of the Association for leader women in higher education, research and innovation.
- Newsletter #40 - April 2024:
Main themes: In April’s newsletter, CDEFI announced the establishment of its Strategic Research Council, presented by our President in an interview for Studyrama. In addition, 16 candidates were nominated for Ingénieuses 2024, a key figure highlighting the commitment and place of women in technical and scientific fields. CDEFI also invited schools to its annual colloquium, which this year focused on the theme of ecological and societal transition. It also highlighted the year's priorities, which were discussed at the Bureau press conference in March, and reaffirmed its commitment to graduate employability and student mobility in Europe following the announcement of the plan to create a European diploma. A summary of the discussions at the Internship Conference on January 30
th is also presented. The agenda for May includes the Ingénieuses 2024 awards ceremony, a Horizon Europe NCP information webinar and the annual engineering school’s colloquium in June 2024.
Link to newsletter #40 (FR)
- Newsletter #39 - February 2024:
- Newsletter #38 – January 2024:
Main themes: January 2024 newsletter gives an overview of the actions taken since September in an article that begins with warm wishes for the New Year. The figure of the month highlights graduates. The newsletter continues with the Conference's reaction to the Constitutional Council's decision on the return guarantee (PJL) and a reminder of the importance of strengthening the attractiveness of ESR. As part of the Ingénieuses operation, CDEFI is launching the 14
th edition of the competition and reaffirming its commitment to the fight against gender inequality following the figures revealed in the 6
th report of the High Council for Gender Equality. The video of the month features an interview with Emmanuel Duflos on News Tank TV, while the February agenda includes the 9
th AFDESRI seminar, Think Education & Research 2024, and the thematic information meeting of the commission Resources and Staff Guidance.
Link to newsletter #38 (FR)
- Newsletter #37 – December 2023:
Main themes: December 2023 newsletter announces CDEFI's position on the immigration Bill, as well as its reaction to the Government's announcements on PhD in two press releases. The key figure highlighted focuses on international mobility. In the news feed, CDEFI announces the 2024 edition of Ingénieuses and its key dates, and takes a look back at the 3
rd edition of the Rencontres Ingénieuses, an afterwork about salary negotiation. In addition, December newsletter includes a collective call for an ambitious national strategy for mathematics and science, signed by CDEFI. The video of the month is an interview with Emmanuel Duflos and Thotis Media. Finally, January agenda features several events such as the 9
th national conference on internships and other professionalisation initiatives and CDEFI’s seminar for new directors.
Link to newsletter #37 (FR)
- Newsletter #36 – November 2023:
Main themes:
November 2023 newsletter introduces the new Cap Ingénieuses labelling campaign. It also presents the second edition of the Focus data on patents in French Engineering Schools and announces the new vice-presidents of two of the Conference's thematic commissions. This newsletter includes the opinion piece about the role of engineering in the ecological transition and reindustrialisation. CDEFI lists the engineering students and graduates who won the 10th Pépite awards. As part of Semaine NSI (DIGITAL and IT week), CDEFI also reiterates its commitment to guiding young people towards careers in the digital sector. The video of the month is an interview with Emmanuel Duflos at the Your Future fair. To finish, several events are organised in December such as Semaine NSI and the 3rd edition of Rencontres Ingénieuses.
Link to newsletter #36 (FR)
- Newsletter #35 – September 2023:
Main themes: September 2023 newsletter presents in front page CDEFI’s press conference of the start of the academic year and announces some key figures about the 2022 National Science Festival 2002. The news feed covers several topics such as support for Morocco affected by the earthquake ans the involvement of the higher education ecosystem in ecological and societal transition. Moreover, it announces CDEFI's new 2023 - 2025 thematic commissions.
To finish, several events are organised in October: Your Future Garros 2023 carrer fair and the "DeepTech voit BIG" event.
Link to newsletter #35 (FR)
Newsletter #34 – June 2023 :
Main themes: June newsletter kicks off with the announcement of
Emmanuel Duflos’s election as CDEFI’s new President. Other news concerns CDEFI’s reaction to the final version of Mr. Philippe Gillet’s report on the French research and innovation ecosystem, as well as a reaction to measures proposed by senators on an immigration draft bill. Additionally, this newsletter highlights the French National Engineer Days supported by CDEFI. Finally, several events are announced, including a training day on ecological and social transition scheduled on July 12
Link to newsletter #34 (FR)
- Newsletter #33 – May 2023:
Main themes: This newsletter unveils the winners of Ingénieuses 2023. It also looks back at the first issue of “Focus Data”, CDEFI’s new publication on French engineering school’s figures, that presents statistical data on the conditions of access to student scholarships. Other news in May includes the Conference’s reaction to the Government's Green Industry draft bill; CDEFI's participation in a mobilisation campaign to make STEM fields more attractive to teenagers; and its contribution to the public consultation of the European Commission on learning mobility. Finally, the newsletter announces several upcoming events, such as the renewal of CDEFI's governing bodies and the 2023 Conference of Engineering Schools.
- Newsletter #32 – April 2023:
Main themes: April newsletter highlights Ingenieuses 2023 nominees and the Awards Ceremony scheduled on May 11 It announces the opening of registration for CDEFI’s annual symposiumand reviews the speech given by Philippe Dépincé on ecological transition at the inaugural conference of the French 2023 National Engineering Days. In this newsletter, CDEFI takes a position on the reform of scholarship grants on social criteria announced by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Internationally, new calls for ARFITEC and BRAFITEC projects have been launched by each of the programmes. April agenda includes several events such as Ingenieuses 2023 Awards Ceremony and the Engineering schools annual symposium.
Main themes: CDEFI announces in March newsletter the 2023 edition of its annual symposium. This newsletter also reviews the number of applications received for Ingenieuses 2023. It is followed by news related two partners events, 2023 Innovation Challenge and the 3
rd edition of the Talents for the Planet trade show. Internationally, the European Commission unveiled the six awarded projects that will receive a European degree label, five of which being French Engineering schools. Several events are scheduled in March, including the 5
th Ecocampus conference, a seminar on the CVEC and Cpas1option 2023.
Link to newsletter #31 (FR)
- Newsletter #30 – February 2023:
Main themes: February newsletter announces the official launch of the 13
th edition of Ingenieuses, an operation that aims to promote gender diversity in Engineering education. Other CDEFI news highlights the launch of the national platform "Mon Master", the creation of a toolkit to accompany Engineering schools to receive disable students, the opening of the registry campaign for the 10th edition of the Journées nationales de l'ingénieur (the French National Engineering Days) and the announcement of a new edition of Cpas1option, the annual seminar on prevention of students’ high-risk behaviours. February agenda highlights several events, such as the 17
th fundraising conference for Higher Education and Health and 2023 National Engineering Days.
Link to newsletter #30 (FR)
- Newsletter #29 – January 2023:
Main themes: January 2023 newsletter opens with the Conference's New Year's wishes. CDEFI also announces the opening of a new permanent office in Brussels. This newsletter addresses some current topics such as the holding of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoAra) constitutive assembly, the results of the Campus France 2022 Meetings and the launch of ADESFA’s 3
rd call for projects. January's agenda includes the Think Education & Research 2023days, the CTI’s annual conference and the 8th conference on internships and other professionalisation actions for students.
Link to newsletter #29 (FR)
- Newsletter #28 – November 2022:
Main themes: November 2022 newsletter focuses on several hot topics including finance, education, and innovation. First, this newsletter looks at the reaction of engineering schools to 2023 budget allocations to higher education. Then follow a news on the signing of the partnership agreement between CDEFI, CTI and INRS on health and safety at work, a review of the 2
nd edition of the “Ingénieuses” network meeting and a mappingof innovative hubs within engineering schools. At international level, the European Commissionlaunched its 4
th European Universities call for proposals. Several events are planned this month. These include the “IngénieurE au féminin” virtual fair and a study day on apprenticeship.
Link to newsletter #28 (FR)
- Newsletter #28 – September 2022:
Main themes: September 2022 newsletter addresses news related to CDEFI’s priorities for the new academic year. This newsletter focuses on CDEFI’s and the CGE’s call for dialogue to facilitate the running of joint research centres, as well as on the launch of a new data collection campaign. A new partnership was sealed with L'Étudiant. On an international level, CDEFI, France Universités and JACUIE signed an agreement on mutual recognition of studies. Several events are included in September 2022 calendar, including the national Festival of Science and the release of a new guide on how to handle student festive events. Finally, new appointed members joined CDEFI.
Link to newsletter #27 (FR)
Main themes: In its June 2022 newsletter, CDEFI highlights the five main priorities French schools of engineering addressed to the new government. Then, CDEFI comes back on its annual symposium held from June 2 to 3 in Poitiers, as well as on the release of French schools of engineering 2020-2021 key figures. CDEFI also presents a new handbook on research valorisation and technology transfer, and highlights the extension of public aids for apprenticeship. Finally, CDEFI presents the Ingénieuses 2022 winners’ projects and portraits. The newsletter ends on a summary of the 7
th national day of Equality officers in higher education and research, and on an assessment of the NSI (“Digital and computer sciences”) Awards and National Day.
Link to newsletter #26 (FR)
- Newsletter #25 – April 2022:
Main themes: April 2022 newsletter highlights the Ingénieuses 2022 nominees and announces the opening of the 2022 DEFI data collection campaign until June 17. It then presents the CDEFI's new partnership with the MEnS network (“Migrants in higher education”) and the six new doctoral courses that obtained the "Compétences pour l'entreprises" certification ("Skills for business"). In addition, CDEFI refers to Jean Jouzel's report to affirm the importance of integrating the ecological transition into engineering training. Eventually the latest CDEFI's news gives a quick look back on the exchanges during Cpas1Option 2022 seminar on prevention of addictive behaviours. As for the school's news, they highlight all the support expressed by French engineering schools for the academic communities in Ukraine which are affected. by the Russian invasion. And finally, several organisations including CDEFI are launching the National Day NSI ("Digital and computer sciences") to promote this specialised teaching in high school.
Link to newsletter #25 (FR)
- Newsletter #24 – February 2022:
Main themes:
In the context of the 2022 "Cap Ingénieuses" certification label, February 2022 newsletter opens with the announcement of the certification of 8 new projects led by 7 engineering schools and the launch of the 1st edition of the "Numérique et sciences informatiques" (Digital and Computer Sciences) Awards, from which CDEFI is a partner. Then, the Conference summarises the key points of its convention "Being an engineer tomorrow in Europe" and highlights the interventions of Jacques Fayolle and Emmanuel Duflos during the 2022 Think Education & Recherche Days organised by News Tank. Other news include an update on the latest Government's decisions on disability and CDEFI's propositions on the matter. This newsletter also gives a feedback on the 1st edition of the "Rencontres Ingénieuses 2022", which was organised on February 4, 2022. Finally, news cover the publication of the "Partnerships with African Higher Education" 2nd call for projetcs, as well as the certification of three new engineering schools for the "Génération 2024" programme.
Link to newsletter #24 (FR)
- Newsletter #23 – January 2022:
Main themes: January 2022 newsletter opens with the Conference's New Year's wishes and the propositions issued by CDEFI in the context of the 2022 French presidential elections. This newsletter is also an opportunity for CDEFI to announce the official launch of the 12th edition of the Ingénieuses initiative, one of its flagship operations that promotes gender equality in engineering schools. In addition, January was the month of the European convention “Being an engineer tomorrow in Europe” takes place, organised by CDEFI at the maison de l'Océan in Paris as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. CDEFI also announces the election of the new president of its International and Development commission, Alexis Michel (ENIB). Finally, other news include the announcement of the Think Education & Research 2022 event, organised by News Tank, and the annual conference of the CTI and its European session about "Training engineers in a world in transition".
Link to newsletter #23 (FR)
- Newsletter #22 – November 2021:
Main themes: November 2021 newsletter opens on the launch of a new certification campaign for the "Cap Ingénieuses" certification label. This newsletter also comes back on the 2021 Pépite Awards for student entrepreneurship, during which eighteen young engineers were rewarded. Other news deal with CDEFI's support for the implementation of the Government's action plan against sexual and gender based violence in higher education, the launch of a new call for applications for the doctoral courses "Compétences pour l'entreprise", the Conference's reaction to the "France 2030" investment plan introduced by the French President Emmanuel Macron and the announcement of a new partnership with "Your future", an innovating orientation fair planned in February 2022. Eventually, the newsletter introduces a new MOOC on Intellectual Property created by INPI (the French national institute for industrial property) and
"Mois sans Tabac" operation (the French equivalent for Stoptober) which began in November.
Link to newsletter #22 (FR)
- Newsletter #21 – October 2021:
Main themes: this month’s newsletter begins with a focus on the Conference start of the year meeting, to which the press was invited. It also contains the monthly data report of the Conference,
and the launch of the second phase of the DEFI data collect campaign. We take a look back at the latest Académie des technologies report, at the BPI France event intitled La Deeptech voit Big, and at the Conference PR campaign dedicated to la Fête de la science. This newsletter is also the opportunity to announce the next national conference on internships. It ends with a focus on the publication of the Governement's official list of schools that are now accredited to organise the national engineering exams.
Link to newsletter #21 (FR)
- Newsletter #20 – June 2021:
Main themes: this month’s newsletter opens with the reelection of Jacques Fayolle as president of the Conference. The newsletter contains a recap of the French engineering schools annual seminar held by the Conference, as well as a summary of the meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. A new parternship has also been announced last month with the company Intech. Last month was also the occasion to announce the digital release of Penser l’après and the publication of the Conference annual overview report dealing with all French engineering schools data. This newsletter takes a look back at the consultation held by HCERES, CEFDG and the conference. It ends with a focus on the publication of the Governement's official list of the schools that are now accredited to deliver a bachelor degree specialised in science and engineering.
- Newsletter #19 – May 2021:
Main themes: this month, the newsletter includes a recap of major CDEFI-related news ; the publication of Penser l’après, a report dedicated to international student mobility, the reveal of the Ingénieuses winners, and the participation of the Conference in the making of a report dedicated to fighting LGBTQ+ discriminations. This newsletter also offers a look back at the Cpas1option seminar. Finally, this newsletter is the opportunity to announce the forthcoming election of the new president of the Conference and the French engineering schools annual seminar.
- Newsletter #18 – April 2021:
Main themes: this month’s newsletter contains the 2021 list of Ingénieuses nominees. It also contains an article dedicated to the overview report issued by the Conference and its partners regarding Health and Safety at work courses in engineering schools. This newsletter is the opportunity to take a look back at the announcement of a new partnership with the e-learning multilingual platform Arte CAMPUS. Last month also marked the start of the DEFI campaign, whose purpose is to collect data on the French schools of engineering. Lastly, the Conference issued two statements after major Governement’s declarations : one deals with the necessary inclusion of students in the vaccination campaign launched by the French Governement, and the other refers to the continuity of financial aids allocated to students as the Covid-19 crisis carries on.
- Newsletter #17 – February 2021:
Main themes: The second newsletter of the year contains a double focus on Ingénieuses, with the official launch of this year’s edition and the creation of a website dedicated to the operation. This newsletter is also the opportunity to focus on three major publications : the Conference annual overview report dealing with all French engineering schools data, a report dedicated to research programmes in private schools, and the CTI's list of engineering schools accredited to deliver a bachelor in engineering. One of the main news included in this newsletter is the gradual return of students on campus. This newsletter ends with an article dedicated to the winners of a challenge focusing on finding innovative solutions in order to increase road safety.
- Newsletter #16 – January 2021:
Main themes: this very first newsletter of 2021 starts with the Conference President wishes for the year to come, and the official launch of the Cap Ingénieuses quality label. This newsletter also contains a focus on the Planning Act for Research and Innovation (LPR), an official statement regarding Brexit and the announcement of the Conference latest parternship with the Army. Our readers will also find an article dedicated to the World Engineering Days and the Pause programme call for applications.
- Newsletter #15 – December 2020:
Main themes: this final 2020 newsletter deals with the important events and milestones of the last months: the national conference on internships, the 2020 Science festival, the No Tobacco Month in November, the creation of the new network Alumni for the planet, development of new tools to promote professionnal equality and to fight against sexual and gender-based violence, and recognition of 150 new engineering trainings in Quebec. The rest of the news focuses on the publication of new documents for the schools of engineering to help them handling the sanitary crisis and on CDEFI releasing an opinion column on the necessity to support the synergy between research and education.
- Newsletter #14 - September 2020:
Thèmes abordés: this newsletter focuses on the beginning of the academic year in the French engineering schools. It also deals with the Ingenieuses initiative, and more specifically with the nominated and the schools' projects. Other subjects are mentionned: CDEFI's amendments suggestion for the Planning Act for Research, public measures to help apprentices and young graduates' employment, the launch of registration for acquiring the status of graduated engineer, and the schools' results to the European universities call for projects.
- Newsletter #13 – June 2020:
Main themes: the newsletter #13 focuses on news related to the context of crisis: CDEFI's submissions in order to face the consequences of Covid-19 and to extend the government financial assistance for apprenticeship, the announcement of the deadline extension for Ingenieuses 2020, as well as a focus on engineering schools' engagement during the crisis. This newsletter also announces the launch of the evaluation process of French engineering schools' Bachelor's degrees. Other news refer to a new partenrship with the "Trophées des campus responsables" (the French variant of the Green Gown Awards) and a call for projects launched in partnership with the African higher education.
- Newsletter #12 – April 2020:
Main themes: April 2020 newsletter deals with this month's important actuality. A part of it is linked to the epidemic context : the announcement of the new schedule for engineering schools' entrance exams, the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education to extend the doctoral and postdoctoral contracts, the delay of CTI's auditing process, and the publication by CDEFI and its partners of a statement asking for special measures to help young graduate to find a job. The other news focus on the decision of the Conseil constitutionnel concerning the Parcoursup platform, as well as the opening of the 2020 press data campaign.
- Newsletter #11 - March 2020:
Main themes: in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, this 11th newsletter opens with the announcement of the creation of a webpage gathering useful documents for the engineering schools. Coronavirus is also the main topic of the second news concerning a common statement of CDEFI and CPU to support the Chinese community. The rest of the actuality concerns CDEFI's reaction to the report of the Conseil constituonnel regarding the Parcoursup platform, but also to the engineering school's rankings often published by the press. This newsletter eventually celebrates the opening of Ingenieuses 2020.
- Newsletter #10 - January 2020:
Main themes: this 10th newsletter opens with the CDEFI team's greetings for the new year. It then focuses on the publication of the September 11, 2019 "CVEC" seminar's report, and on the ratification of a governmental declaration of intent regarding the MEXFITEC programme. The actuality also includes the reassertion of our partners :Think Education & Recherche, CTI and more recently the association La Parole aux 18-28. Eventually, a news is dedicated to the making by the CPED of a map representing actions led in the higher education and research sector during International Women's Day.
- Newsletter #9 - December 2019:
Main themes: December 2019 newsletter focuses on the new partnership between CDEFI, CTI and INRS and on the October 17 event dedicated to the baccalaureat reform. It also adresses the questions of sites policies,and of the 2020 draft Budget bill. Finally, the newsletter deals with the triple European recognition of CTI, the Journées nationales de l'ingénieur (the French variant of World Engineering Day) and the launch of a new call for projects for the African higher education.
- Newsletter #8 – October 2019:
Main themes: the newsletter #8 focuses on the new Planning Act for Research and Innovation, sites policies of higher education, the reform of the baccalauréat, gender equality in higher education and research, the launching of a national consultation on the European Higher Education Area, as well as on Science Festival 2019.
- Newsletter #7 – July 2019:
Main themes: this newsletter covers different topics such as the renewal of the CDEFI governance, sites policies of higher education, the annual symposium of engineering schools, the 4th edition of engineering schools indicators, the Ingénieuses 2019's ceremony, the establishment of European universities and the programme Brafitec. Finally, it is in this edition that our Conference publishes the first issue of "Perspectives ingénieur" dedicated to the synergie between training and research in engineering schools.
- Newsletter #6 - November 2018:
Main themes: you can find in the newsletter #6 a news about a charter's signature to prevent risks during integration week-ends, the launch of the 7th edition of the label: "Skills for business world", the engineering week in Colombia, CDEFI as a partner of the 2018 RUE event, the practical guide for institutions published by the Civic Service Agency, the San Francisco declaration on research assessment signed by CDEFI, as well as a news about the call for projects "European universities".
- Newsletter #5 - July 2018:
Main themes: newsletter #5 highlights the student and campus life tax focuses on the Brafitec Forum and on our recent events: the Ingenieuses18's ceremony and the annual conference of French engineering schools.
- Newsletter #4 - April 2018:
Main themes: newsletter #4 presents a feedback on the CDEFI-CTI European conference, the list of nominees for Ingenieuses18 as well as a news about the Cpas1option's seminar that took place in Nantes.
- Newsletter #3 - February 2018:
Main themes: newsletter #3 focuses on the Skills for Business world (CPE) label, on the reform of apprenticeship and on the launch of the Parcoursup's platform.
- Newsletter #2 - May 2017:
Main themes: newsletter #2 presents an update of the Ingenieuses17 operation, the registration of CDEFI as an associate member of the Aviesan research alliance dedicated to life and health sciences, and announces the launch of the second press data campaign.
- Newsletter #1 - February 2017:
Main themes: newsletter #1 focuses on the Erasmus' 30th anniversary, on the Think Education event and on the projects’ centrifuge created by Centrale Lille in partnership with EDHEC Business School, ENSAIT and Yncréa.