
On behalf of the Engineering Schools, CDEFI develops and/or pilots various programmes and projects in order to answer problems encountered by higher education and research institutions in different topics, such as the professional integration of doctors, gender equality, and the international mobility of students and teachers.


The French Schools of Engineering data

In order to rationalise the processing time of the numerous press surveys on Engineering Schools, on 18 September 2015, CDEFI's members decided to develop a database of French Engineering Schools’ indicators. That database allows media to access global data related to Schools’ activities to feed their different rankings and files.

In June 2016, in close cooperation with the CGE and the CTI, CDEFI has launched a portal of data after numerous meetings and working sessions with a steering committee.

Learn more about the French Schools of Engineering data


The "Skills for business world" programme

femme-ordinateur-entrepriseCDEFI created a specific training course for PhD candidates, with the agreement of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, in order to boost PhD holders’ integration into the French business world through a better promotion of young researchers’ knowledge and skills.

Created in 2011 and based from a follow-up committee composed by industrials and academic members, the aim of CDEFI’s "Skills for business world" training path ("Compétences pour l'entreprise" in French) is to strengthen the link between doctoral researchers and French companies.

Learn more about the doctoral training course "Skills for business world"

The "Ingénieuses" initiative
The low proportion of female engineers in certain fields of science and technology has
always been a concern for CDEFI, in view of its missions to promote training and engineering professions on one hand and to defend social values such as diversity and equal opportunities, on the other.

In 2011, CDEFI decided to launch a specific project to fight gender stereotypes, promote equity between men and women in schools and in the professional fields, and finally, generate engineer vocation amongst young girls.

Learn more about the "Ingénieuses" initiative
Learn more about the Cap Ingénieuses label


International mobility programmes

CDEFI is the administrative and financial manager of a number of international programmes funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research as well as by the ministries of countries concerned by these programmes.
These programmes allow implementation of research and academic projects with foreign universities and establish close relationship with these institutions while promoting the mobility of students and teachers.

Learn more about international mobility programmes